What are we trying to do?

Please refer to this this HackMD written by Taz to get a clear idea of what the Matrix-factorisation is trying to achieve.

What can we start doing?

On a very high-level we are trying to simulate behaviour of people interacting with the Proposal Inverter. For this we need to derive believes about people interacting with the Proposal Inverter and thus the resulting action they take.

In order to think about what does it take for an agent to take a action we can think intuitively break down to see what it takes to make an action:

The four categories can structure thought about which features may influence an agent to take a certain action. A first attempt of this was made below for brokers (i.e. payee usually a squad) and payers (i.e. funders of a proposal) and proposal itself.

Potential features of Funders (or Wallet Types)

Potential features of Brokers (or Wallet Types)